
Jan 6, 2022

Occasionally things go wrong when creating. I spent quite a bit of time making a little fox pendant, only to have it suffer a polishing wheel accident which caused it to warp a bit - and have a few small dents in the back. I wasn't sure whether to offer it for sale, or really what to do with it, but then a story came to me. A story that gave a much more fun and interesting reason for the warping than a prosaic polishing wheel accident. The pendant is being listed at a lowered price, and it…

Jul 19, 2021

There was a time when the earth was new. The air had a sparkle to it, and the waters ran fresh and clear through golden rocks.  The mountain tops glistened with snow and ice; the valleys were green and verdant.  A great river flowed from the mountains, through the valleys, and on to the ocean. On its way it turned and bent itself around rocky outcrops. One such bend became a deep pool where the water calmed, its flow slowed by a partial dam of rocks. In this pool lived Fish.

May 29, 2021

I just can’t argue with a rock that wants to be fire.  I do try, but I never win. Here's more or less how it goes:

“You - yes you!

You could be a landscape – yes, you would be a wonderful landscape. Think about the plains, w…

Feb 25, 2021

I love the process of making jewelry, in some ways more than I like being finished with a piece.

Drawing designs and figuring out how to make those designs work is one part of it - the initial creative part of the process is exciting and filled with anticipation. It is the mental part.

But even more, I love the physical, even sensual, nature of what I do:…

Jan 27, 2021

Mirabeth finished chopping potatoes and onions for the supper stew, her mind far away across the field. Why was Cassian so stubborn? Techazir and Allohong be damned. Peace be damned. Her eyes burned…

Jan 4, 2021

The cities of Alohong and Techazir had been at war for as long as anyone could remember, and for decades before that. No one knew how or why it began, but each year brought a new slight from one city which required a violent answer from the other. Young men were born, grew old enough to marry and once they had two children were sent off to fight and often to die. There were those in both cities who cried for peace, but the rulers were strong, the military powerful and patriotism ruled the…